Embark on a magical journey into the realm of animated storytelling with "Animated Adventures: Generative AI Video Creation for Kids." This course is specifically designed to inspire and cultivate the creative talents of young minds in the fascinating world of generative AI and animation. Through hands-on activities, kids will learn the fundamentals of AI technology, video creation, and animation, enabling them to bring their imaginative stories to life. With a focus on creativity, digital literacy, and ethical AI use, students will explore various tools and techniques to create their own animated adventures.
Our curriculum encourages problem-solving, critical thinking, and artistic expression, all within a safe and supportive environment. Whether your child dreams of becoming an animator, a storyteller, or simply loves to create, this course offers a unique opportunity to dive deep into the exciting intersection of technology and art. By the end of the course, participants will have their own AI-generated animated video, showcasing their creativity and the skills they've acquired.
Course Schedule