Python Coding for Kids – Level 2 (8 Sessions)

Python is one of the top 10 programming languages and is more relevant in meeting real-world needs. A number of secondary schools and JC in Singapore have already introduced Python as a programming course.

Python is an easy-to-learn programming language that has some really useful features for a beginning programmer. We are happy to offer a Python kid course that teaches your kids (9+) to code Python.

Course Schedule

No of Sessions: 8

Duration Per Session : 1.5 hrs

Min Class Size: 5-10 pax

Age Group: 12-15 years old

In this course, students will learn some Python fundamentals, how to build simple Python based games using programming loops and functions, and how to draw graphics using the Python module Turtle. 

Lesson 1 - Class Setup Due to the higher complexity of projects, students will move away from and learn to write and run python locally using Thonny. 

Lesson 2 - Intro to Pygame Pygame is a cross-platform module in Python. It includes computer graphics and sound libraries the students will be able to use in their programming. Students learn the basics of creating graphics like dots and bouncing rectangles.

Lesson 3 - GUI with Pygame Students are introduced to pygame events, and use what they have learned so far to create their first GUI program that allows a user to place dots on a screen. With a few simple additions, they finish this lesson with a basic painting program.

Lesson 4 - More Pygame Features Students will extend their projects from the previous lesson to include more features. They will learn to create a scalable interface, use images in pygame, and implement smarter collision detection.

Lesson 5 - Game Design 1 Students will make their first game using pygame, using object-oriented concepts to create their own version of the game Pong.

Lesson 6 - Game Design 2 Students make their most advanced pygame project yet, creating a multiple file program that generates enemies and obstacles in an infinite runner style game.

Lesson 7 - Using Official API Students are introduced to the requests module and learn how to retrieve weather data from an official API.

Lesson 8 - Analyzing Big Data Building off the previous lesson, students gain experience visualizing data with matplotlib and are prepared for our ML in Python with Big Data course.

Lesson 9 - Review and Final Project Workshop All previously taught concepts are reviewed, with special attention given to topics students wish to apply to their own final projects. 

Lesson 10 - Final Project The students will create their own program applying what they have learned throughout the class. Upon completion, the projects are demonstrated by their creators.